Brabantse Gilde (Leuven)

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The Brabantse Gilde unites the Flemish-Brabant clubs in Leuven within the SK Leuven.

Brabantse Gilde (Leuven)
Shield of the Brabantse Gilde
Name: Brabantse Gilde
Foundation: February 1885
Founder(s): 1885: Jean-François Heymans, Joseph De Lantsheere, Armand De Coster, Albéric Pelgrims, J. De Mesmaeker & J. Wynants
1919: Lodewijk Monsieur
1944: Emiel Valkeniers
1948: Jan Verbinnen
1951: Hubert Vanderroost
Dissolution: 1914
Motto: De Jure: «Brabant, den leeuw!»
De facto: «Brabant, were di!»
Publication: De Olijke Brabander (1984 - ?)
Location: Leuven, Belgium
Bar: Revue, Oude Markt 51, 3000 Leuven
Connection: Seniorenkonvent Leuven (SK-Leuven)


From the 1870s onwards, more and more bourgeois sons went to university and this created the first nucleus of Dutch-speaking students at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven). They began to form their own student associations and also gave the initial impetus to a Flemish student movement in Leuven. One of the first clubs to be founded was Ons Hageland (1874).

In the period 1882-1886, Flemish students started to unite in provincial guilds. Originally, the regional clubs (which were often also called guilds) were distinct from the provincial guilds. The latter were supported by the university, as they were not only social societies but also cultural circles with a prominent function. The Brabantse Gilde was founded in the summer of 1884, but only definitively in February 1885. The founders were Jean-François Heymans, Joseph De Lantsheere, Armand De Coster, Albéric Pelgrims, J. De Mesmaeker and J. Wynants. Twelve students were present at the founding meeting and after a week the number of students had already grown to about thirty. The Oratoriënhof in the Mechelsestraat was chosen as the first location for the club.

About a year after the founding, there were sufficient funds to purchase a guild banner made after a model by Professor Joris Helleputte in Brussels. On Wednesday 4 May 1887 it was officially consecrated by rector Mgr. Jean-Baptiste Abbeloos and the day after it was inaugurated with a magnificent procession. By then, the number of members had swelled to about 85. Activities consisted of meetings with singing, recitals and musical performances. Trips and theatre performances were also organised.

Together with the other Flemish guilds, the Brabantse Gilde founded the Vlaamsch Verbond (the later KVHV) in 1902. Ernest Claes was an active guild member in the years before World War I and often read from his own works.

In 1911, a second club was founded for people from Brabant, Payottenland. In the pre-war years it was not unusual to become a member of the Guild without being a member of a club. Payottenland was much more flamingant than Ons Hageland. The new club was also organised according to the principles of medieval guild life. Three sages formed the board and from their midst a dean was chosen alternately.

In the summer of 1914, the devastation in Leuven and the forced closure of the Alma Mater completely paralysed student life. It was not until 1919 that student life got back on its feet again.

The first meetings took place in Heverlee, because all Flemish student organisations were considered dangerous by the Leuven police. Both Ons Hageland and Payottenland were integrated into the Guild and in the course of the 1920s other clubs from Brabant saw the light of day. Guild life in Brabant flourished and the students from Brabant were pioneers in the field of studentical style and discipline. Mon De Goeyse founded the model club Bezem Lovania Brussel in 1925 and initiated the establishment of the Seniorenkonvent Leuven (SK-Leuven) in 1929. The Noord-Brabander Hendrik Wyckmans moved to Ghent and founded the Seniorenkonvent Ghendt (SK-Ghendt) there. It was the same Hendrik Wyckmans who, as guild praeses, had the second banner of the Brabantse Gilde designed.

After a disagreement about the financial settlement of a Thé Dansant in the spring of 1941, Bezem Lovania Brussel focused entirely on its Brussels vocation and grew into the Katholiek Studentencorps te Brussel (KSC). The other Brabant clubs (with the exception of the Diestersche Club) could more or less continue their activities in Leuven until in 1942 the Brabantse Gilde ceased its activities, partly as a result of the Second World War.

In February 1945 Emiel Valkeniers made a fruitless attempt to restart the Brabantse Gilde and in the autumn of 1948 Jan Verbinnen was not successful either.

It finally took until October 1951 before the pre-war tradition could be resumed and from 1952 the KSC was again included in the Brabantse Gilde. At that time, the activities mainly consisted of two annual balls, a Christmas party, a few cantuses and a football cup that was often won by Noord-Brabant.

At the end of the 1950s, Ons Hageland and the Aarschotse Club disappeared. From 1956 until the end of the 1960s, female students could also become members of the Brabantse Gilde. However, with the exception of the KSC, the clubs remained an exclusively male affair.

In the second half of the 1960s, an attempt was made to re-establish Ons Hageland but by the early 1970s, both Ons Hageland and Noord-Brabant disappeared. With the exception of Payottenland, the other clubs also had difficult years: the KSC was decimated after the separation of Omnia and Lovania was mainly sustained by the veteran members. In 1978, the newly revived Mechlinia-Reynaert switched from the Antwerpse Gilde to the Brabantse Gilde. Nevertheless, the Brabantse Gilde remained the smallest guild in Leuven during those years.

The 1980s brought a new boom. On Wednesday 17 December 1980, the four remaining Brabant clubs took up residence in the Clijne Taefel in the Naamsestraat. The Brabantse Gilde evolved into the most traditional of all Leuven guilds. In 1984 the guild magazine De Olijke Brabander appeared for the first time and one year later a lustrum brochure with historical overview was compiled. On the occasion of the lustrum celebrations, statutes were also prepared (there was no question of a change, as nobody could find the original statutes). After the necessary struggles, the final text was approved during the election cantus in May 1986. Since then, the presence of the Goedelevoncent is officially recognised. In the meantime, Ons Hageland had been re-established in 1984 and in 1989, Noord-Brabant was also revived. In 1987 Patrick De Greef took care of the design, manufacture and dedication of the third banner. In 1989 Koen Janssens considered the time ripe to reintroduce the pre-war Guild cap. However, he underestimated the opposition; his proposal did not make it and a new Praeses had to be elected.

During the nineties, the Brabantse Gilde and the six clubs continued on the same path. In 1998 a photo book was published with a historical overview of the Brabant clubs. On the eve of the new millennium, Noord-Brabant was transformed into the Corps Endivia, so that Noord-Brabant again became an exclusively male club, while the female students were housed in the Witloofconvent. That same year, Vader Hageland was also established as the female counterpart of Ons Hageland. Unlike the Witloofconvent, however, Vader Hageland was not officially recognised by the Brabantse Gilde but the Hageland students did receive a standing invitation to all activities.

After the turn of the century, the Brabantse Gilde also suffered from the downturn in traditional student life. All clubs saw their membership dwindle and in 2003 the curtain fell for both Endivia and Vader Hageland. Despite this, the Babantse Gilde grew to become the largest guild in Leuven and its affiliated clubs are counted among the most traditional clubs of the Seniorenkonvent.

Affiliated clubs



The colours of the Brabantse Gilde are Green-Red with red as the main colour.

The coat of arms is the traditional provincial coat of arms from before the 1996 reforms.


< 1947

Text: H. Aelvoet
Melody: Fr. Adams

  1. Dat zij klinken, Brabant’s zonen,
    Luid en machtig onze tonen,
    Wars van vreemde bastardij,
    Vroom en lustig, Vlaamsch en vrij.
    Dat zij klinken onze akkoorden,
    Over Dijle en Zenneboorden,
    Krachtig als den heldenschreeuw,
    Brabant, Brabant, ons den Leeuw!


    Klinke ’t Brabantsch Gildelied,
    Galmen onze strijdakoorden!
    Klinke ’t Brabantsch Gildelied,
    Over Dijle en Zenneboorden:
    «Brabants zonen temt men niet!
    Brabants zonen temt men niet!»

  2. Als het woord der Artevelden,
    Als de kreet van Brabants helden,
    Klink het hoogstudentenlied:
    «Brabants zonen temt ment niet.»
    Waar die vaderkreten klonken,
    Heeft de grond hun bloed gedronken,
    Dien zij moedig streden vrij,
    En wij zijn geen bastaards, wij!

  3. Dat zij klinken, Brabants telgen,
    Vrije, trouwe, Vlaamsche telgen;
    Spijts het uitheemsch slavenrot
    Dat met land en altaar spot.
    Immer ’t vreemde juk versmeten!
    Brabants kroost en duldt geen keten:
    Ziet zijn Keure en Intrêe blij!
    Brabant, Brabant, Brabant, vrij!

  4. Dat zij klinken in de blijheid!
    Voor het volk en zijne vrijheid!
    Dat zij klinken in den strijd,
    God en Vaderland gewijd!
    Hoog de harten, hoog het streven!
    En dat Brabants zonen leven,
    Trouw aan eigen schoon en taal.
    Heil! Aan ons de zegepraal!

> 1947

Text: Clem De Ridder
Melody: Emiel Hullebroeck

  1. Rijk is de gouw van ons Brabantse land,
    Welige tuin in het voorjaar.
    Honingaroom na de zomerse brand,
    Heuvel en delling zijn vruchtbaar.
    Breughel verkoos U, land van mijn jeugd,
    Land van de jubel en land van de vreugd.
    Brabant, vreugdeland, Edele Brabant, were di!

  2. Tegen de glooiing bloeit geurend de hop,
    Gelende, trillende bellen.
    Meiden en knapen de heuvelen op
    Weg nu de zorgen die kwellen.
    Straks is het pluktijd, ’t grote festijn.
    Boer, schenk ons cider en appelenwijn.
    Brabant, vreugdeland,...

  3. Volk van mijn Brabant, zo vroom en zo schoon,
    Eert uwe Brabantse zeden,
    Die gij geërfd hebt van Vader op Zoon,
    Wilt er een wapen uit smeden.
    Draagt uwe koppen fier in de lucht
    ’n Brabander is voor geen vijand beducht.
    Brabant, vreugdeland...

List of Praesides

Year Praeses
1884 - 1885 Jean-François Heymans
1885 - 1886 Jean-François Heymans
1886 - 1887 Jean-François Heymans
1887 - 1888 Joseph De Lantsheere
1888 - 1889 Joseph De Lantsheere
1889 - 1890 Karel Van den Bruel
1890 - 1891 Theophile Vander Hasselt v/o Theo
1891 - 1892 Arthur Van den Bruel
1892 - 1893 Eugene Loncin
1893 - 1894 Alfons Van Engeland
1894 - 1895 Arthur Luyten
1895 - 1896 ?
1896 - 1897 ?
1897 - 1898 ?
1898 - 1899 ?
1899 - 1900 Eugène Verstockt Ons Hageland
1900 - 1901 Frans van Cauwelaert
1901 - 1902 Leo Goossens
1902 - 1903 Piet Vander Smissen
1903 - 1904 Frans Verheyden
1904 - 1905 Frans Verheyden
Arthur Vloeberghs
1905 - 1906 Eugène Bosteels
1906 - 1907 Emiel De Wever
1907 - 1908 Arthur Poodt
Alfons Sterckx
1908 - 1909 Paul Van Cauwenberghe
1909 - 1910 August van Cauwelaert v/o Gust
1910 - 1911 Gustaaf Wayteck v/o Gust
1911 - 1912 Frans Willems v/o Sus Payottenland
1912 - 1913 Frans Willems v/o Sus Payottenland
1913 - 1914 Philippe Mes Payottenland
1914 - 1915 Emiel Noppen
1915 - 1916 Inactive
1916 - 1917 Inactive
1917 - 1918 Inactive
1918 - 1919 Louis Monsieur Payottenland
1919 - 1920 Jan Valvekens Ons Hageland
1920 - 1921 Jan Valvekens Ons Hageland
1921 - 1922 Emiel Van Cappellen Payottenland
1922 - 1923 Carlos Stas Noord-Brabant
1923 - 1924 Omer Evenepoel Payottenland
1924 - 1925 Egied Van der Hasselt Payottenland
1925 - 1926 Frans Hiers v/o Sus Payottenland
1926 - 1927 Frans Heulens (Resigned at the beginning of the academic year.) Ons Hageland, Bezem Lovania Brussel
Karel Van Cauwelaert Payottenland, Bezem Lovania Brussel
1927 - 1928 Karel Van Cauwelaert Payottenland, Bezem Lovania Brussel
1928 - 1929 Lode Vande Gaer Ons Hageland
1929 - 1930 Arnold Claessens v/o Loki [KSC Bezem Brussel
1930 - 1931 Arnold Claessens v/o Loki [KSC Bezem Brussel
1931 - 1932 Hendrik Wyckmans v/o Rik Noord-Brabant, Bezem Lovania Brussel
1932 - 1933 Juul Heremans v/o Pallieter Payottenland, Bezem Lovania Brussel
1933 - 1934 Dolf Loeckx v/o Phoebus Payottenland, Bezem Lovania Brussel
1934 - 1935 Albert Neetens v/o Barko Payottenland, Bezem Lovania Brussel
1935 - 1936 Roger Van Keymeulen v/o Aailen Payottenland
1936 - 1937 Wim Aelvoet Noord-Brabant
1937 - 1938 Wim Aelvoet Noord-Brabant
1938 - 1939 Albert Clerckx v/o Hagen Noord-Brabant, Payottenland, Bezem Lovania Brussel
1939 - 1940 Jules Lemmerling Lovania, Ons Hageland
1940 - 1941 Albert Wolfs v/o Bert Ons Hageland
1941 - 1942 Alfons Van Eeckhoudt v/o Fons Payottenland
1942 - 1943 Inactive
1943 - 1944 Inactive
1944 - 1945 Emiel Valkeniers v/o Spanuit Payottenland
1945 - 1946 Inactive
1946 - 1947 Inactive
1947 - 1948 Inactive
1948 - 1949 Jan Verbinnen Lovania
1949 - 1950 Inactive
1950 - 1951 Inactive
1951 - 1952 Hubert Vanderroost v/o Cambrien Payottenland
1952 - 1953 Julien de Raeymaeker Lovania
1953 - 1954 Louis Lamberts v/o Plavei Payottenland
1954 - 1955 Renaat Lettens v/o Gitaar Payottenland
1955 - 1956 Jozef De Lepeleire Lovania
1956 - 1957 Frans De Proost Noord-Brabant, KSC Brussel
1957 - 1958 Roger Van de Vondel v/o Kalichke Noord-Brabant, KSC Brussel
1958 - 1959 Jozef De Keersmaeker v/o Gondel Payottenland
1959 - 1960 Willy Van der Veken Noord-Brabant
1960 - 1961 Leo Heremans v/o Raar Payottenland
1961 - 1962 Hubert Van Melkebeek v/o Kadol Noord-Brabant
1962 - 1963 Edwin Jacobs v/o Kaar Payottenland
1963 - 1964 Jos Schepers v/o Gezwel Lovania
1964 - 1965 Johan Amand v/o Wannes KSC Brussel
1965 - 1966 Piet Lommez v/o Gigolo Payottenland
1966 - 1967 Eric Van Hoeck v/o Keu Noord-Brabant, Payottenland, Ons Hageland, KSC Brussel
1967 - 1968 Luc Platteau v/o Sjapper Payottenland
1968 - 1969 John Descurieux Noord-Brabant, Ons Hageland
1969 - 1970 Jean Vanderhasselt v/o Leubben Payottenland
1970 - 1971 Jean Vanderhasselt v/o Leubben Payottenland
1971 - 1972 Jo De Meirsman v/o Vat KSC Brussel
1972 - 1973 Leon Laeremans v/o Boerin Lovania
1973 - 1974 Dirk Bourguignon v/o Pistong Payottenland
1974 - 1975 Johan Geleyns v/o Spinnekop Payottenland
1975 - 1976 Luc Lemmens v/o Matris Payottenland
1976 - 1977 Rik Weverbergh v/o Bizje Payottenland
1977 - 1978 Yvo Stroobants v/o Stropke Lovania
1978 - 1979 Chris Cockmartin v/o Pezzewolle Payottenland
1979 - 1980 Henri Van Eeckhoudt v/o Waainbees Payottenland
1980 - 1981 Marc Jegers v/o Trombong Payottenland
1981 - 1982 Peter Doms v/o Poldergeist Mechlinia-Reynaert
1982 - 1983 Ward Hens v/o Kleerkast Mechlinia-Reynaert
1983 - 1984 Herman Van Eeckhout v/o Klimop Payottenland
1984 - 1985 Lieven Stassijn v/o Rammeleir Payottenland, KSC Brussel
1985 - 1986 Jan Huys v/o Buffalo!! KSC Brussel, Payottenland, Ons Hageland
1986 - 1987 Patrick De Greef v/o Volondat Mechlinia-Reynaert
1987 - 1988 Pieter De Schouwer v/o Spinosj KSC Brussel,
1988 - 1989 Marc Vermylen v/o Pluto Mechlinia-Reynaert, Noord-Brabant
1989 - 1990 Koen Janssen v/o Touché Lovania (Resigned in January after the failed introduction of the guild cap, among other things).
Patrick Claeys v/o Pens Ons Hageland, Noord-Brabant
1990 - 1991 Jo Daris v/o Kapot Payottenland
1991 - 1992 Erwin Raets v/o Pickup Mechlinia-Reynaert
1992 - 1993 Koen Kempenaers v/o VVT Lovania, Mechlinia-Reynaert
1993 - 1994 Bert Vermeire v/o Kermit Lovania, KSC Brussel
1994 - 1995 Luc Van Assche v/o Psycho Mechlinia-Reynaert, Noord-Brabant
1995 - 1996 Geert Mijten v/o Barabbas, Koekoek Ons Hageland, Noord-Brabant
1996 - 1997 David Lenaerts v/o Risky Mechlinia-Reynaert, KSC Brussel
1997 - 1998 Philip De Weyder v/o Enkie Payottenland (Resigned at the beginning of the academic year.)
Stijn Van Vugt v/o Geiser Payottenland
1998 - 1999 Kristof Debecker v/o Bleu Lovania, Ons Hageland
1999 - 2000 Lieven Poulin v/o Picolo KSC Brussel
2000 - 2001 Michaël Kestemont v/o Arro KSC Brussel
2001 - 2002 Steven Claes v/o Echo Mechlinia-Reynaert
2002 - 2003 Kristof Dereeper v/o Toewt Endivia
2003 - 2004 Joost Klykens v/o Bosj Lovania
2004 - 2005 Cedric Berckmans v/o Wolverine Mechlinia-Reynaert
2005 - 2006 Stefan Van de Weyer v/o Fanta KSC Brussel, Endivia
2006 - 2007 Bart Reunes v/o Papyrus Lovania (Officially resigned one week before the elections. Stefan Van de Weyer v/o Fanta acted as interim praeses for a while and was also the effective guild leader since the end of February and held the praeses sash).
2007 - 2008 Maarten Mallants v/o Bagaar Ons Hageland
2008 - 2009 Thomas Van Rompuy v/o Bakkes KSC Brussel
2009 - 2010 Thomas Brenninkmeijer v/o Maft KSC Brussel
2010 - 2011 Joris Weymiens v/o Tefal Ons Hageland
2011 - 2012 Hans Vander Velpen v/o Trisj Payottenland
2012 - 2013 Issmael Bentoutouh v/o Contreir Ons Hageland, KSC Brussel
2013 - 2014 Ward Smets v/o Ket KSC Brussel
2014 - 2015 Jonathan Van Beeumen v/o Garanti Ons Hageland
2015 - 2016 Tom Hoornaert v/o Doler KSC Brussel
2016 - 2017 Philip Van Puyvelde v/o Tornado Payottenland
2017 - 2018 Sébastien Vandenbussche v/o Améli Payottenland
2018 - 2019 Laurens Vermylen v/o Himan Payottenland
2019 - 2020 Thomas Carvalho v/o Boerswa Ons Hageland
2020 - 2021 Thomas Carvalho v/o Boerswa Ons Hageland (No election due to COVID pandemic.)
2021 - 2022 Anthony Dudley v/o Rubbel Ons Hageland
2022 - 2023 Zeno De Four v/o Sult Payottenland
2023 - 2024 Kai Brusseleers v/o Vitesz Payottenland


  • Huys, Jan & Stefan Van de Weyer, De studentikoze erfenis van Rodenbach, Acco Drukkerij, Belgium, Leuven, 2006.
  • KVHV Leuven, Studentencodex, Belgium, Leuven, 1959.